For The Birds Extra Pale Ale brewed especially for Pints & Predators

For the Birds EPA posterized

I wish I could effectively describe the joy I experienced (and am still experiencing) from seeing this label applied to this beer and poured into this commemorative logo glass. I'll try but, as a beer enthusiast, I will start by saying that it is one of the greatest highlights of my 19 year career as a Wild Birds Unlimited store owner. That's saying a lot because what we do every day all day long (or at least strive to do) is to bring joy to our customers by helping them bring birds into their lives.

For the Birds Extra Pale Ale was an idea that began in the planning phases of the 5th Annual Pints & Predators. John and Christine Denny proposed the idea of brewing a beer especially for the event but I just never got organized early enough to make it happen. This year, I thought I had missed the boat again but the Dennys and the brewing crew at FMBC made it happen and in a pretty big way. This pale ale is better than ready for the 7th Annual Pints & Predators this Saturday, April 10, it's actually really, really good. Here are the brewer's notes: Crisp finish with a hop character reminiscent of ripe tangerine and a hint of cannabinoid pungency. Floral aromas round out the flavor profile.

You can drink For The Birds Extra Pale Ale on tap at First Magnitude and/or take a 4-pack home to consume on your own time. A portion of the proceeds benefit local wildlife rehabilitators. Now, you can drink beer and make the world a better place!